Take the pledge

By completing this form, I am pledging to support the work of New Disabled South. I commit to supporting and coming together with disabled people in the South and to the principles of disability justice

  1. Intersectionality

  2. Leadership of Those Most Impacted 

  3. Anti-Capitalism 

  4. Cross-Movement Solidarity 

  5. Wholeness 

  6. Sustainability 

  7. Cross-Disability Solidarity 

  8. Interdependence 

  9. Collective Access 

  10. Collective Liberation

I also pledge to: 

  • Show up, in a way that is accessible for me, to support disabled people in the South and work towards collective liberation where no one is left behind.

  • Share and uplift social media posts, reports and information shared by New Disabled South.

  • Advocate for disability justice by contacting my lawmakers, community members and family to share my story. 

  • Help ensure that disabled people and accessibility are included in advocacy work in my community. 

  • Commit to advocacy that includes all types of disabilities and intersections including Black disabled people, indigenous disabled people, trans disabled people, and more. 

  • Work to break down barriers between organizations by sharing with New Disabled South any events, updates on bills, political issues and important disability work happening in my community.